1. Ewoud Vreugdenhil
  2. Bug report
  3. Sunday, 21 January 2018
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi there,

I have several issues with Hotspots Pro. If I need to create seperate topics please let me know.

1. In the general view the text is going outside it´s region, see first image
2. In detailed view the custom fields has way to much white space between the first and second custom field, see second image
3. Custom fields order. In the backend I have made a certain order in the custom fields but in the frontend it shows a complete different order
4. Is it possible to hide the custom fiels from the general view and only show them in detailed view?
5. Is it possible to hide Filters in general view since I only have one category

Is it possible to disable the following for visitors:

1. Settings (next to Route and Hotspots)
2. Added date, both on general view as in detailed view
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