1. johnnybiggles
  2. Installation
  3. Tuesday, 18 August 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email
I just upgraded from 3.26 to 4.0 beta2. I left the 'uninstall complete mode' to 'no' and my comments are still there and it seems the settings are basically the same, which is good. However, the layout of the bottom row of the comment area where the "Reply|Quote|Edit|Delete" and the 'Like' or 'Dislike' buttons are should be formatted but they are not it seems (see attached image).

Also, from what I saw in the demo of 4.0, it shows the number of comments in the top left corner [Example: Comments(25)]. I do not see that- it only says "Comments" What happened and how do I fix all this?

Please help. Thanks in advance. http://compojoom.com/images/fbfiles//images/layout_issue_after_upgrade_from_3.JPG
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