Hello Compojoom
We're exploring the use of the plugin as we have an 18,000 address database each with its own weblink link and there are 5 sub-sets within the group that each require a different map icon.
We've loaded up two KMLs here: http://www.c9638638.myzen.co.uk/ryedalenew2/index.php/homepage/bin-routes.html which, whilst they show fine in Google Earth, are not showing data in the pop-up.
Is there a special syntax for the KMLs that Hotspots use? Is there a way of directing the pop-up icon with an uploaded KML from Hotspots?
If there is no alternative to uploading a KML, is there any guidance published on how to do this via the database and how to include a different icon for each of the five groups.
Finally, we want to show some rubric beside the map to indicate what each of the icons means. At present we are showing the map in the menu via hotspots joomla menu item. What is the optimal way to get text, images, icon explnations and the hotspot into a single page?
Many thanks for your help and for a very interesting plug-in.