1. Hari Karam Singh
  2. Bugs
  3. Thursday, 16 December 2010
  4.  Subscribe via email
getUserGravatar() in JOSC_post.php will only check built in templates for nophoto.png. The slight tweak below will allow PNG and JPG nophoto's in any template folder...

~line 442...
$gravatar_email = $this->_item['email'];
$uripng = new JURI("$this->_template_path/$this->_template_name/images/nophoto.png");
$urijpg = new JURI("$this->_template_path/$this->_template_name/images/nophoto.jpg");
$checkpathpng = JPATH_BASE.str_replace( '/', DS, $uripng->getPath());
$checkpathjpg = JPATH_BASE.str_replace( '/', DS, $urijpg->getPath());
if ( file_exists($checkpathpng) ) {
$default = "$this->_template_path/$this->_template_name/images/nophoto.png";
} elseif ( file_exists( $checkpathjpg ) ){
$default = "$this->_template_path/$this->_template_name/images/nophoto.jpg";
} else {
$default = JURI::base().'components/com_comment/assets/images/nophoto.jpg';

Hope this helps...
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