1. Shelly J. Buckman
  2. Installation
  3. Sunday, 21 March 2010
  4.  Subscribe via email
Joomla version : {1.5.15}
JoomlaComment version : {4.0 RC1}
PHP version : {5.2.x}
MySQL version : {5.1.x}

{Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\Hosting\5739424\html\joomla\libraries\joomla\filesystem\file.php on line 298}

Steps: {Using Joomla standard installation feature - Extension, Install/UnInstall - then I upload and install package}

Link: {http://shellysplace.net/joomla}


I'm having trouble with my install. Has anyone seen the above error before?

I'm happy to manually install but I need clear instructions.

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