1. Denise Mijatovic
  2. Installation questions
  3. Friday, 23 April 2010
  4.  Subscribe via email

just wondering if someone can help me please.
when i try to install compojoomcomment i get the following error.
i cannot work out which module/plugin or even component to uninstall to get rid of this error. can anyone help please. i was going to rename these two folders and install then but i am concerned that something vital may stop working.

Component Install: Another Component is already using directory: "/home/sites/http://mijatovic.co.uk/public_html/Mijatovic/beauty/blog/components/com_comment"
Component Install: Another Component is already using directory: "/home/sites/http://mijatovic.co.uk/public_html/Mijatovic/beauty/blog/administrator/components/com_comment"
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