1. Dennis Devine
  2. Installation
  3. Friday, 03 May 2013
  4.  Subscribe via email
I have installed latest Hotspots on a Joomla 2.5.11 install.
I have gone thru the documentation and looked through all
the configuration options.

The location comes up with the and the tab appears correctly,
but the markers do not appear on the map, unless I select
them from the menu.

I want to have all the hotspots to appear in a cluster in
the opening map. I only have 1 category and plan to have
about 20-25 hot spots/placemarks.

Could someone direct me to the settings to get this to work
as I've described.

*** Update to my Post - It appears that the problem is with Firefox. The placemarks/hot
spots do pop up with Internet Explorer and Chrome, but NOT with Firefox 19.0.
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