1. Elie Ashery
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Plugins
  4. Monday, 03 July 2017
  5.  Subscribe via email

I have three major points to discuss:

1. On http://dev.blabber.buzz/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=148826:republicans-running-for-governor-put-in-a-tough-position-by-trump-health-cuts#!/ccomment-comment=8 , You will notice two comments in bottom . If you click on username of person who has commented, you will notice it will open detail of person in new tab whereas I want to open it in iframe(jomsocial stream) available on left side.

I had added js script also. Script is fine. If I use it for some other area, it works but not for k2 comments. I had attached copy of script also.

2. On left side of home page, jom-social component is displayed using iframe. When a person write comment for k2 item, that comment appear here as well. Our requirement is that when a person click on k2 item name available in activity stream, it will gets opened in main page.

I had identified respective plugin and modified respective language file also by adding target="_parent" but still this attribute is not appearing in <a> tag related to respective comment on k2 item in social stream

3. We have lots of comments in jReviews. Now, we had planned to use CComment. So, we need to move all comments from JReviews to CComment.

Do you have such facility already available? Or any idea as how we can import contents from JReviews to CComment.

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