1. Eliecer Marchante
  2. Tricks
  3. Tuesday, 26 June 2012
  4.  Subscribe via email
[color=#000088][b]FIRST PART[/color][/b]

To follow this tutorial you will need:
- OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 Calc
- Notepad ++
- Access to your website's PHPmyadmin

- Go to your PHPadmin and Select Databases

- Select the database you are using with hotspots

- These are the elements related with hotspots

- Click on Browse

-These are the fields to use with the OpenOffice.org Calc,

but they must be in these order:
id - catid - name - street - plz - town - country - gmlat - gmlng - description - description_small - picture - picture_thumb - autor - autorip - autoruserid - postdate - vote - votenum - published

The id and the catid, will match the category id number.
plz corresponds to the postal code
published - value 1 (the hotspot will be published), and value 0 (the hotspot won't be published)
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