1. shonn piersol
  2. Bugs
  3. Monday, 10 June 2013
  4.  Subscribe via email
Using 1.1.8 version of HWDMediashare and 5+ Ccomments and I followed the steps in documentation but the integration list inside HWD does not give the option for ccomments.

:) Create a CComment configuration for com_hwdmediashare. Login into your joomla backend and navigate to Components -> CComment -> Settings -> click on on new. From the dropdown select com_hwdmediashare and click nex. Save the config.

:) Go to Extension Manager -> Plugins and enable the HWDMediashare - Comments (CComment) plugin

:) Go to Components -> HWDMediashare -> Configuration -> Integrations -> Commenting and from the dropdown select HWDMediashare - Comments (CComment)
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