1. Kevin Morrison
  2. Plugins and Modules
  3. Tuesday, 18 June 2013
  4.  Subscribe via email
I Read the post on how to get a map in an article (https://compojoom.com/forum/138-tricks/16483-how-to-add-a-map-to-an-article-v-2-0-5) and I have to say that is not an ideal way to work. For one iframes are inherently difficult to configure and because of the security implications you have to make exceptions for it in your security extension and then there is the well known issue getting it setup in the likes of JCE editor.

It seems to me that it would not be all that difficult to create a plugin that we could call the maps to articles in a much more robust way. This is actually the first top level extension that I have worked with that does such a poor job accommodating the content in articles. While I can see a module would not be ideal, that too would be a better way to get the maps in an article then with the outdated iframe hack method which goes against all best practice. Not to mention they are nearly impossible to optimize for SEO. I could go on why an iframe is not the best method but I think you get my point.

Can we please have a plugin to include the maps in articles and other areas of our site?
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