1. Jean Roussie
  2. Wishlist
  3. Sunday, 05 February 2012
  4.  Subscribe via email

I just installed the hotspot system on my site (http://www.escalade-canyoning.com) and discovered it.
The programming work done is excellent but the system doesn't fit exactly with that I was expected for.

The ergonomy of the section to define hotspot in the back-end is really good but it miss the option "save a copy" when needed to define several hot points in the same area.

The ability for the system to auto-size the map is really great, but miss some features for the system to be really awesome :
[li]Sub-categories ![/li]
[li]Ability to select hotspots to define "local" maps displaying hotspots of an area. Since a hotspot must be able to be defined in several maps, a new database record can be added without modifying the structure of the existing hotspot record. (hotspot maps : id, name, description and the selected hotspots id recorded in).
[li]Ability to make modules with maps to be called in an article for example.[/li]
[li]Ability to choose the categories to be shown by default when you define a map link (not only one category !).[/li]
[li]... and a more commented css for an easier customization ;) [/li]

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