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  2. Newbies area
  3. Wednesday, 30 July 2008
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OK, I am a real newb and I am just getting into this stuff. I think that this will work out for me, but before I dive too deeply into it I just have four questions, please??

1. Does this extension allow users to post a new topic that other people can comment on?
Like for example: What UserX thought of it and then other people can comment on his thoughts, basically on it's own page? Kind of like yahoo answers. Or something similar to this if this is not an option?

2. Is i possible to have the add comment dialog box open by default, so that the users will not have to click on the add comment button to show it?

3. Same thing on the comments themselves, is it possible to show the comments on the main page without having to click in the show comments hyperlink?

4. As far as the Avatars go, is it possible to have a user create an account so that the system will store an avatar for them? And then the user can just log in when they come to the site and have a specific username and avatar that is unique to them?

If these are not options, any other extensions where these are options would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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