1. Owen
  2. Installation questions
  3. Monday, 16 August 2010
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Hi Daniel, in continuation with my PM, here are some of the fixes made in version 4.1.7.
If it's possible, I would appreciate if you could please write below each of them
which files exactly were changed (since version 4.1.4) for each of these fixes:

# updated com_content plugin

# fixed wrong SEF urls with sef components

# some fixes for php 5.3 compatability

# Fixed persistent XSS vulnerability

# Fixed reflective XSS vulnerabitlity

# Fixed LFI vulnerability

# Fixed CSRF vulnerability

# Fixed frontend XSS vulnerability

# Fixed backend XSS vulnerabitlity

This way I could compare the changes in the files and verify what I can replace "manually" without affecting my own changes.

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