1. Michel Ollivier
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Newbie area
  4. Monday, 21 September 2015
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 Hi daniel,

Few question about form.php, the edit form.

1- in the code, there are these lines that I dont understand, could you briefly explain me why they are here? Indeed, I have noticed, firefox has some difficulties to instanciate the map so I was was wondering if this problem could come from this lines.

$domready = <<<ABC
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
var hotspots = new compojoom.hotspots.core();

hotspots.DefaultOptions.centerType = 0;
hotspots.addSandbox('map-add', hotspots.DefaultOptions);

2- I have noticed in hotspot view and user hotpots layout, you use CompojoomHtml::addScriptsToQueue to merge and minify js files. You have not implemented it in edit form. Why?

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