1. future is now e.V.
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. General
  4. Friday, 25 March 2016
  5.  Subscribe via email
 Hi there, on the event list page with the following link: http://future-is-now.net/index.php/en/events/events-calendar, any click, be it sorting, searching, links to the categories...leads to the login page. The strange thing is, that it wasn't always like that and that the German version of the same page doesn't display the same behaviour. There is a difference in the path on either page, though.

For the English page, the path looks like this: http://future-is-now.net/index.php/en/events/events-calendar (leading to login page)
For the German on, it looks like this: http://future-is-now.net/index.php/events/veranstaltungsliste/eventlist/0/10/1/19,18,20/0/0/0/1/0 (performing commands)

Once one has logged in, all links lead to a 404 on the English page, while on the German one, everything works as it should.

What's the difference that makes the difference? Settings in menu items are identical.
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