1. Marcus Hjortsberg
  2. Bug Report
  3. Sunday, 06 September 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email
Some message is showing up....

I have a Swedish site and the language file included does not have all the lines in it...

It does not have

/*new in 4.0 beta1*/

JOSC_define('_YOUR_CONTACT_DETAILS', 'Your Contact Details');

JOSC_define('_JOOMLACOMMENT_GRAVATAR_ENABLED', '<a href="http://gravatar.com" target="_blank">Gravatar</a> enabled');

JOSC_define('_MESSAGE', 'Message');

JOSC_define('_JOOMLACOMMENT_DISABLEADDITIONALCOMMENTS', 'Posting new comments was disabled from the system administrator');

/* new in 4.0 beta2 */

JOSC_define('_SECURITY', 'Security');

and if I copy them to the swedish file the error shows up, if I rename them in the english file, the errer shows up...

Any ideas??? http://compojoom.com/components/com_agora/img/members/2049/error.png
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