1. Richard Hughes
  2. General
  3. Wednesday, 12 June 2013
  4.  Subscribe via email
i thought i must have done something wrong but all the dics i have read seem simple enough:
1. export wp db
2. import it into Joomla 2.5 db

i am getting an error when i import. it take a minute or so and then i get this :

SQL query:

-- -- Dumping data for table `jos_acymailing_config` -- INSERT INTO `jos_acymailing_config` (`namekey`, `value`) VALUES ('level', 'Starter'), ('version', '4.0.0'), ('from_name', 'admin'), ('from_email', 'admin@yoursite.com'), ('reply_name', 'admin'), ('reply_email', 'admin@yoursite.com'), ('bounce_email', ''), ('add_names', '1'), ('mailer_method', 'mail'), ('encoding_format', '8bit'), ('charset', 'UTF-8'), ('word_wrapping', '150'), ('hostname', ''), ('embed_images', '0'), ('embed_files', '1'), ('editor', '0'), ('multiple_part', '1'), ('sendmail_path', '/usr/sbin/sendmail'), ('smtp_host', 'localhost'), ('smtp_port', ''), ('smtp_secured', ''), ('smtp_auth', '0'), ('smtp_username', ''), ('smtp_password', ''), ('smtp_keepalive', '1'), ('queue_nbmail', '40'), ('queue_nbmail_auto', '70'), ('queue_type', 'auto'), ('queue_delay', '3600'), ('queue_try', '3'), ('queue_pause', '120'), ('allow_visitor', '1'), ('require_confirmation', '0'), ('priority_newsletter', '3'), ('allowedfiles', 'zip,doc[...]

MySQL said:

#1062 - Duplicate entry 'level' for key 'PRIMARY'

Any ideas what i am doing wrong please ?
I do have a new Joomla template with a "quick start" type site up and running, i want to be able to import the articles from the wordpress site and then sort them out but not even getting to that part yet

thanks in hope of saving weeks of work here !!
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