1. melblakey
  2. Installation
  3. Saturday, 28 February 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email

I spent a while looking through this forum. But, can not find anything the same as my problem.

I have installed JoComment 4.0 Alpha on a Joomla1.5.7 (legacy mode on) site recently without any problems.

I have another site running Joomla1.5.8 (legacy mode on) and following Upload & Installation have received the following error:-

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in **********administrator/components/com_comment line 82

Any clues as to why?

I've Tried 3 reinstalls and it does not seem to uninstall fully. It leaves bit still on. (YES I did check the box to uninstall all in config)
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