1. John Harper
  2. Newbies area
  3. Friday, 12 March 2010
  4.  Subscribe via email
It will be easier to show the problem than describe it. Go to my website at http://www.jcharper.net. The Front Page, Section and Catagory pages are in Blog format showing an Intro and a "Read More" link to the complete article.

As you can see, the "Write Comment" is shown before the "Read More". I would like for the registered visitor to at least read the entire article before making comments.

Is there a setting I am missing to put "Write Comment" ONLY at the end of the article?

Also, I would like to make a donation but don't have PayPal. The credit card form is in German. I am not comfortable guessing at the entries and passing along my credit card information without understanding exactly what I am doing. Can you help with this problem?

John Harper
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