1. Laurent Collongues
  2. Bug report
  3. Monday, 05 June 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email

I need to customize the list view. I've copied default_hotspot.php to the htlm template directory to override it. Fine.

But I need to render specific fields from the customs ones in some specific position. Can't just "throw them" one after each other as per the standard template/layout.

Thus I needed to catch individual values to produce something like :

<script type="text/template" id="hotspot-list-item">
<div class="hs-place-summary">
{{#if multimedia}}
<div class="hs-galleria"></div>

<h3>{{ title }}</h3>

<div class="basulm-hs-type">

<div class="hs-hotspots-overview-short">

where "typeterrain" is the slug of the custom field I need to render under the title on each view.

But this placeholder did not exist in the json stream.

So, I've hacked components/com_hotspots/helpers/hotspot.php around line 67 this way :

// Add the custom fields to the array
if ($customFieldsConfig)
$customFieldsRegistry = new JRegistry($hotspot->customfields);
$jsonHotspot['customfields'] = preg_replace("@[\\r|\\n|\\t]+@", '', $layout->render(
'customfieldsItem' => $customFieldsRegistry->toArray(),
'customfieldsConfig' => $customFieldsConfig
// apchea : adding individual custom fields key/value pairs
foreach($customFieldsRegistry as $key=>$cf) {
// echo $key." --> ".$cf;
$k = "cf-" . $key;
$jsonHotspot[$k] = $cf;
// end apchea

Is this the right way ? Or does something else already exist ? Or clever way to do it ?

If not, would you consider include it in the next release ?


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