1. Bogdan Andronic
  2. Newbies area
  3. Wednesday, 03 September 2008
  4.  Subscribe via email

I have one problem.. ok, I've manage to make my custom template style see http://www.pcmhz.com/noutati-stiri/51-news/190-evo-g-mouse-pad-2-a-mouse-pad-3

But I do not want to leave /media/ folder with 777 permission but as soon as i change permission to /media/ where "mydefaul" template was generated/copied then modifyed by myself the website crashes since is not finding JComment default template

How can I copy my custom template or have it active without keeping 777 on /media/ folder?
(i'm using Joomla 1.5.6)

Thanks in advance
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