1. Tomasz Kolasa
  2. Newbie area
  3. Wednesday, 01 June 2016
  4.  Subscribe via email
 Hey Daniel,

Sure thing about mixing 100 things - here's the new ticket continuing the issue https://compojoom.com/support/support-tickets/hotspots/3667-extending-functionality-of-hotspots#p19893

So I can't give You access cause it happens on my local dev environment (and I still don't have a testing online hosting) but after Your suggestion about ajax request I analyzed it more and now I have more details what's happening.

First of all my settings for the user are like on screenshot1. So in dev consol I can see that's something wrong with request > screenshot0. Now have in mind that I don't want a user to have possibility to change language or the state of currently added hotspot that's why the user hotspot is unpublished. After adding a new hotspot without the language part available to user I can see in DB that the last row in the language column in _hotspots_marker table is missing the "star" *.

After turning on the Edit State to Allowed and adding hotspot everything works normally because hotspot has a status of Published (also the language column is filled properly). That's the problem - the status of hotspot. If hotspot is unpublished and the user tries to edit it in frontend the custom fields aren't loaded by ajax. There is also the missing language in language column but that's only making backend display of the hotspot impossible and it's not responsible for the ajax request error. Hope You can recreate it now. If not I'll will nag again a new administrator for that testing server.

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