1. Elie Ashery
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. General
  4. Wednesday, 24 January 2018
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Suppose a person write on community wall, it stores data in wall and engagement table. I want that data also gets stored in comment table. I had identified right file. It is components/com_community/controllers/system.php . ajaxStreamAddComment() gets called when adding wall comment on jom-social stream. I had added my code there for writing into comment table. Comment on wall gets stored properly but not in comment table Now, an alert appears with message "Undefined error." . Please let me know the issue.

Code Added by me in function ajaxStreamAddComment()

$ctable = JTable::getInstance('comment', 'ccommentTable');
$ctable->contentid = $act->cid;
$ctable->component ='com_k2';
$ctable->ip =$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];;
$ctable->userid = $act->actor;

$now = JDate::getInstance();
$now = $now->toSql();
$ctable->date = $now;

$actuser = CFactory::getUser($my->id);
//$ctable->NAME = $actuser->username;
$ctable->email = $actuser->email;
$ctable->comment = $comment;
$ctable->published = 1;
$ctable->parentid = $act->cid;

JError::raiseError(500, 'Table store error: '.$ctable->getError());
return false;

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