1. Vita Vaughn
  2. Installation
  3. Friday, 16 September 2011
  4.  Subscribe via email
I'm using iGallery http://www.ignitegallery.com/guide-to-plugin which I can use with Joomla's articles. I would like to be able to add a gallery to a hotspot long description, but when I do I only get the long code and not the gallery. I read the iGallery help but the snippet of code they tell you to place in does not seem to work with HotSpots. The site I'm working on is not viewable to the public at the moment. Below is what the code looks like when I add a gallery and the snippet of code told to insert to have components work with Joomla's content plugin.

Gallery code as it appears on the front end:
{igallery id=6470|cid=20|pid=1|type=category|children=0|showmenu=0|tags=|limit=0}

Code asked to place into view.html.php replaces parent::display() : when I did this nothing happened. Stayed the same.
$o = new stdClass();$o->text = $this->loadTemplate();
$dispatcher = &
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array (&$o, array(), 0));
echo $o->text;

Any and all help would be appreciated! Thanks!
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