1. Carl Gedye
  2. Installation
  3. Wednesday, 25 March 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email

I have seen problems in the forum similar to this, but no solutions that work for me.

After several installs on my localhost I keep getting:

error when moving /var/www/mysite/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/joscomment.php
TO /var/www/mysite/plugins/content/joscomment.php
Please, contact the support.

error when moving /var/www/mysite/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/joscomment.xml
TO /var/www/mysite/plugins/content/joscomment.xml

error when moving /var/www/mysite/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/josccleancache.php
TO /var/www/mysite/plugins/system/josccleancache.php

error when moving /var/www/mysite/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/josccleancache.xml
TO /var/www/mysite/plugins/system/josccleancache.xml

I have (having discovered Help>>system info) chmod -R 777 the entire site and now have nothing but healthy green folders. I have also cut and pasted those files from>>to the relevant folders and ensured they also have 777 permissions.

I have also deleted all the jos_comment tables from MySql and tried reinstalling, but always return to the same error message. The modules are activated, as is legacy: 1.0. I am also sure that I have selected the correct published sections and categories. My lamp stack is a new install so PHP is version 5.

The upshot of all this is that nothing is showing under the articles when I preview the site. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for your time.
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