1. Eric Vasbinder
  2. Newbies area
  3. Wednesday, 19 November 2008
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi there,

I am a new user of JomComments and I first must say that I really enjoy it. However, the latest comments module has a bit of a problem: in order to display anything other than "no comments", it needs to have all articles and sections and categories that it reads comments from marked as public.

I cannot mark my articles as public, as this is a completely private site on the Internet. No access to anything is allowed without a valid account. If I mark an article as public, someone could access the article directly, by pasting the URL in the web browser, eliminating my security for the site.

What would it take to update the Latest Comments Module to allow it to read comments from articles marked as Registered or Special? This would of course depend upon the ability of the current user to access those articles based on their user roles and permissions.
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