1. Josh Lewis
  2. General
  3. Wednesday, 25 March 2015
  4.  Subscribe via email
I would have replied to my last ticket, but it's closed. :-P Anyways, I was able to accomplish the smiley over ride in Ccomment but it took a little longer than expected due to the documentation being a little off.

In the first sentence it says "To create a new emoticon pack you need to create a new folder in templates/your_joomla_template/html/com_comment/ called emoticons". Called emoticons sounds like the icon pack I want to call it.

The path should say "templates/your_joomla_template/html/com_comment/emoticons". When creating "templates/your_joomla_template/html/com_comment/myiconsname" it was not working (I was misled). I decided to create a few guess folder methods and cleared them all until I found the right one. Don't worry, it didn't take long to figure out the right one with zero clutter and get things figured out. But for the future it would help to swap the directory at the beginning to the proper one.

Hope all is well on the Compojoom end, I'm quite pleased about the custom method. :-)

- Josh Lewis
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