1. David Spring
  2. Newbie area
  3. Thursday, 19 January 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email
Thank you for making such a great commenting system. I recently installed the Core version but when I clicked on any article in the front end, I got a white screen. After reviewing numerous errors, I was able to trace the problem down to PHP 7.1 - which is causing fatal errors for lots of Joomla extensions right now. When I rolled my PHP version back to PHP 7, the article pages display find and there are no problems with the Commenting system. I know PHP 7.1 is very new, but I wanted to alert you to this problem so you can prepare a fix for it. I also wanted to let others know if they get the white screen, just roll back to PHP 7 and wait for the problems to be resolved before moving to PHP 7.1. Just to be clear the community version of REDJ extension was also throwing errors and this may have also involved this tool. But what finally solved the problem was rolling back the PHP version.
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