1. Royal Trude
  2. Plugins
  3. Friday, 04 March 2011
  4.  Subscribe via email
Example profile: http://www.kalamies.com/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=4206 , click on the "Artikkelikommentit" tab

Q: How can I show username in the title, "Latest comments by" instead of names? The main CompojoomComment component has, for each component, separately, "Use names rather than usernames (it concerns only registered users)" option but seems that the CB plugin has no such option. Guess I need to do some hacking - so where's the file to be hacked and how to hack it?

(related note: this same problem is with hotspots component, see "Karttapisteet" tab on the same page.)

Translation note: The string "Latest comments by" isn't in the translation file.
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