1. shane
  2. Newbies area
  3. Saturday, 15 November 2008
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I have loaded !JoomlaComments on one of my live sites now that the nesting problem has been resolved (at least for now). Live site is [url]http://philmontforum.com[/url].

Previously, I had mxComment installed as my comment component. The import process from mxComment to !JoomlaComment went perfectly. Thanks!

With mxComment, I had a Community Builder plugin installed that built a profile tab that listed all comments made by the user.

I have been modifying the CB plugin files, and have gotten a little bit of the way there. So far, I have the tab generating with the number of comments made by the user, and the pagination generates and displays (based on the CB plugin settings). Here is a screen shot of what I have so far...

[img size=499]http://compojoom.com/components/com_agora/img/members/973/screenshot-acdafb77740f7609c7844bd972af7a41.JPG[/img]

I cannot get a linkable list of comments made to generate.

I have attached a zip file of all of the plugin files to this post. The only files that I have modified so far are cb.mxcommenttabs.php and includes/cb.mxcomment.parser.php.

If any of you guys out there that actually know what you are doing are interested, I'd love to see this plugin work for !JoomlaComments.

Thanks! cb_comment_plugin.zip
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