1. Trevor Bennett
  2. Newbie area
  3. Friday, 13 January 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email
I installed a copy of CComment last year or before, v 5.3.5 or earlier but did not use it. I tried today to use Admin but got errors, could not find it in Manage to uninstall.
I got today latest version of Core 5.3.8 and installed; Dashboard OK so configured to appear on a Category, but no show, so I looked for the Plugin(s), not found. I had a brief halt on my site so I tried to uninstall, but I cannot find it in Manage.
I can see a Component and plugins in MySQL __extensions, don't know exactly where the files are
Is there a way to safely uninstall so that I can try again. Joomla! 3.6.5 Stable, PHP 5.6.29
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