1. Brian A Peat
  2. General
  3. Thursday, 01 December 2016
  4.  Subscribe via email
 I am trying to override the language output of both the byorder (purchase order) and bycheck (purchase by check) payment plugins. I want to override the language output, but since they both use the same strings (as well as other payment plugins also using the same strings) I can't seem to do that.

So then I tried doing an override in the template/html folder and that also doesn't seem to work.

How do I override the language or the output of a specific payment plugin without override language for ALL of the plugins that use that same string?

The other option is, how do I remove the need for the user to click on the green Pay Name button at the end in order to receive emails? It seems redundant if they're not paying through the site, but they MUST click that last button in order for it to generate the emails. My solution was to change the name of the button on the previous screen to just Next, and then change the text on this final page so it encourages them to click the green button, which I want to relabel "confirm registration"

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