1. William E Workman
  2. Newbie area
  3. Friday, 12 August 2016
  4.  Subscribe via email
 We are attempting to use your product to display short promotional testimonies of people around the world. Ideally we would want to enable users to upload short videos of themselves. I tried extending the legal and allowed extensions to include video extensions(avi,flv,wmv,mov,mp4,swf,wav) but when attempting to upload I get one of two errors. It will either say
1) Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
2) Error: Unknown Error

I thought maybe to work around this and just enable TinyMCE to upload videos, but that way forces the user to have the video already on the web and to give a source or URL. What we want is to make the experience easy on user. A simple drag and drop like you have for your images but that allows videos as well.

Thank you.
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