1. Coran
  2. Newbies area
  3. Tuesday, 21 July 2009
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This is a topic that has been covered, but no resolution seems to have been posted...

I want to allow an Administrator, and not just a Super Administrator, access to component in back-end and allow them to manage comments.

When user posts comments now, the comment needs to be approved before it is published. Only Super Administrator can do this. Administrator can moderate from front-end, however I need them to be able to approve the comment and publish it from back-end.

One old thread said "However it is possible to turn off this limitation with editing just one line in administrator.component.php"

I think it was meant that administrator.comment.php was supposed to be edited and there was another thread that mentioned this "The problem with admin users is comming from these few lines in admin.comment.php".

Can you please tell me how I can have an Administrator access manage comments in back-end.

Thank you very much.
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