1. Laurent Collongues
  2. Bug report
  3. Monday, 05 June 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email

I've changed the config.xml file in the admin area this way :

<field name="hotspots_order" label="COM_HOTSPOTS_HOTSPOTS_ORDER"
type="list" default="title ASC">
<option value="id ASC">Id</option>
<option value="title ASC">Hotspots name</option>
<option value="title DESC">Hotspots name(desc)</option>
<option value="created ASC">Date</option>
<option value="created DESC">Date (desc)</option>
<option value="gmlat ASC">Latitude (asc)</option>
<option value="gmlat DESC">Latitude (desc)</option>
<option value="gmlng ASC">Longitude (asc)</option>
<option value="gmlng DESC">Longitude (desc)</option>

Thus, it allows to choose to fetch markers without altering the initial ordering (by Id). It makes sense when you import markers as I do (and some other folks ?) as the order is calculated inside the import process.

I think it could be safely added for the next release.

Also there was some typos (last option -> longitude, latidude ? --> latitude ?)


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