1. Angelic Revolt
  2. General Talk
  3. Wednesday, 21 April 2010
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Just installed new compojoom upgrade, and am working on importing comments from wordpress.

Some info:
PHP: 5.2.11
MySQL: 5.0.90-community
Joomla: 1.5.15
I am using the corephp wordpress component, with comments located in jos_wp_comments.

First off, let's make sure I understand the functionality of this import by explaining what I am trying to do. If I am off track, then maybe just explain to me what the import is designed to do.

The wordpress component integrates users and catagories with joomla. A wordpress post shows up in joomla as an article. This basically creates a joomla "mirror" blog of the wordpress blog. I am trying to get the comments on the worpress posts to stay with the joomla article version, which has the compojoom component assigned.

However, it appears that the content ID's do not match up between the worpress created post, and joomla articles. For instance, the wordpress content_id may be 129, but the joomla will be 78. Not sure if this has any bearing on the issue or not.

Long story short, compojoom is importing the comments, but they are not showing up on the corresponding joomla articles.

Am I just missing the boat on how this import is supposed to function?

Lastly, is there any chance or way I can replace the wordpress comment form with my customized compojoom template?

Thank you,

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