1. Marco Schnyder
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. General
  4. Thursday, 06 March 2014
  5.  Subscribe via email
Mandatory information about my setup:

Joomla! version: 2.5.19
PHP version: 5.4.24
MySQL version: 5.5.35
Matukio version: 3.1 Beata - com_matukio-git_a1f59ae
Direct link to the page that shows the issue: (unknown)

Hi Yves,
I tried to install the Beta version on my test environment over the Component install routine. I got the following error.

Incorrect version sequence. Cannot upgrade 3.0.8 to git_a1f59ae
Komponenteninstallation: Fehler in benutzerdefinierter Installationsroutine.

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