Discussions tagged Categories

categories icon in header

Hi! I saw this in the promo, but I can't find how to set it up. https://compojoom.com/images/stories/screens/hotspots/screen1/data_is_the_kind.png Where can I display the categories in the header? Above the map and the list of hotspots....
Norbert Rugly Hotspots supporter
Is there any way to make the migration convert extra category associations into tags when moved from WP to Joomla? My WP site has lots of posts that are assigned to more than one category but when I migrate it only keeps the last one. My main goal ...
Hi I can only apply a Hotspot to a single Category... Is it possible to apply Tags to Hotspots? Is there a recommended pattern to achieve something similar? ie I want to list filter Hospitals with A&E and Outpatients services where Hospital ...
I'd be grateful if you could clarify the use of categories in CComment please. I guess Ccomment knows nothing about categories, simply passing data to the integration plugins - is that correct? I'm finding it difficult to reconcile the admin user ...
Hi there, I´ve a question about categories and rights. In the documentation ther´s nothing to find specially for setting user rights. My problem: I´ve different events with many dates. No i´ve various joomla user groups, which shpuld be able t...
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Ccomment error
Hello, I'm having an error where the Ccomment plugin, when enabled, is causing t...
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Posted on Wednesday, 18 September 2024
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    Posted on Wednesday, 11 September 2024
    Vereinzelte Doppelbuchungen
    Hallo, es kommt immer wieder mal vor, dass Menschen zweimal hintereinander unab...
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    Posted on Wednesday, 11 September 2024
    • #Veranstaltungsbuchung
    • #Doppelbuchung
    500 behavior::tooltip not found.
    Latest/Most CompojoomComment Hello, when activating the "Tooltip display...
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    Posted on Friday, 10 December 2021
    Getting email A new comment has been made... witho
    Hi, After someone started adding a lot of junk comments with external links eve...
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    Posted on Thursday, 08 August 2024
    • #CComment
    • #ccoment pro