1. Annemarie DellaGuardia
  2. Bugs
  3. Wednesday, 17 March 2021
  4.  Subscribe via email
I am trying to install the cInstaller plugin after purchasing HotSpots Pro. When I try to install the plugin, I get this error:

Hotolos - Administration .navbar-inner, .navbar-inverse .navbar-inner, .dropdown-menu li > a:hover, .dropdown-menu .active > a, .dropdown-menu .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .nav li.dropdown.open > .dropdown-toggle, .navbar-inverse .nav li.dropdown.active > .dropdown-toggle, .navbar-inverse .nav li.dropdown.open.active > .dropdown-toggle, #status.status-top { background: #232338; } .header { background: #e5c7a8; } .nav-list > .active > a, .nav-list > .active > a:hover { background: #3071a9; } a, .j-toggle-sidebar-button { color: #3071a9; } .menu-compojoom {background: url(../media/com_cinstaller/images/compojoom.png) no-repeat;} .menu-icon-16-djimageslider {background: url(components/com_djimageslider/assets/icon-16-djimageslider.png) no-repeat;} .menu-hotspots-16px {background: url(../media/com_hotspots/backend/images/hotspots-16px.png) no-repeat;} .menu-categories-16px {background: url(../media/com_hotspots/backend/images/categories-16px.png) no-repeat;} .menu-import-16px {background: url(../media/com_hotspots/backend/images/import-16px.png) no-repeat;} .menu-logo {background: url(components/com_jce/media/img/menu/logo.png) no-repeat;} {"csrf.token":"7e0013fc408ed0065ed8b85a2ceb6a29","system.paths":{"root":"","base":"\/administrator"}} Toggle Navigation Skip to Main Content Control Panel Hotolos System Control Panel Global Configuration Global Check-in Clear Cache Clear Expired Cache System Information Users Manage Add New User Groups Add New Group Access Levels Add New Access Level Fields Field Groups User Notes Add User Note User Note Categories Add New Category Privacy User Actions Log Mass Mail Users Menus Manage Add New Menu All Menu Items Site Bottom Menu Add New Menu Item Internal Menu Add New Menu Item Main Menu Add New Menu Item Content Articles Add New Article Categories Add New Category Featured Articles Fields Field Groups Media Components Akeeba Backup Banners Banners Categories Clients Tracks Brute Force Stop Administration Compojoom Installer Contacts Contacts Categories DJ-ImageSlider Gantry 5 Themes Available Themes Default Theme Hotspots Dashboard Locations (Hotspots) Categories KMLs Custom fields Import JCE Editor Pro Control Panel Global Configuration Profiles File Browser Joomla! Update Messaging New Private Message Multilingual Associations News Feeds Feeds Categories OSMap Free Post-installation Messages Redirects RSForm! Pro Manage Forms Manage Submissions Manage Directories Configuration Backup / Restore Search Smart Search Tags Extensions Manage Install Update Manage Discover Database Warnings Install Languages Update Sites Modules Plugins Templates Styles Templates Language(s) Installed Content Languages Overrides Help Joomla! Help Official Support Forum Official Language Forums Documentation Wiki Joomla! Extensions Joomla! Translations Joomla! Resources Community Portal Security Centre Developer Resources Stack Exchange Joomla! Shop User Menu Annemarie DellaGuardia Edit Account Logout Hotolos Toolbar Main content begins here Choose the Compojoom Extension to install Matukio Events * CComment Pro * Hotspots Pro * CMigrator * CForms * CTransifex Hotspots Core CMC CComment Core * Requires a valid subscription Joomla! 3.9.25 — © 2021 Hotolos - Select Editor - Editor - CodeMirror Editor - JCE Editor - None RokPad Editor - TinyMCE View Site 0 Visitors 1 Administrator 0 Messages Log out

I'm trying to set up HotSpots and was having issues, so I bought the pro version to get help with it, but I can't install the pro version.
Please help
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