
Hallo! Habe heute begonnen matukio einzurichten. - habe rote fehlermeldung im control center - Fehler beim Laden des Feeds Was hat das zu bedeuten? - Bei der Erstellung der Event-Zeiten erhalte ich englische Zeitangaben (am + pm). Kann man ...
Ich habe nur eine Kategorie und benötige daher die komplette Leiste über der Eventliste nicht. Vermutlich ist die matukio.html.php zuständig. Was soll ich dort entfernen? Wäre schön, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte...


Is there any way to position the subscribe button to the right of the email address field? My website design has a footer and it makes more sense to have a horizontal layout like that shown in the attached screenshot... Thanks, John...


Option for horizontal layout of fields and 'Subscribe' button......

Time problem

When entering an event with the starting time 20.00 hour, this time 20.00 hour) is stored in the database. When I view this event it shows that the starting time is 22.00 hour. So it seems that the shown time considers the time offset but the stored...
Erwin Loman Matukio supporter
Hedging its bets The first day just joined the company, discount north face jackets the director of the department's introduction to colleagues: "This is Serena, my college teacher's son, that we will be a lot to take care of." Serena won...
Ordinarily, catch the enemy coach has reached the moment there will not be a strong enemy combat effectiveness, and the victory, since the big break enemy. But consider Zhuge Liang Meng Huo prestigious in Southwestern Minority great influence if he c...

some singing good

After it, from the relationship between Wie and small can a subtle change, even though they themselves do not realize. Now, love lively Wie often noticed quarreling downstairs small can small can also pay attention to the attitude of Wie. The proper...
Wäre es möglich das Repository auf Github öffentlich zugänglich zu machen? Das Problem: Wenn ich Bugs in meinem Code behebe oder Features hinzufüge, so habe ich keine sinnvolle Möglichkeit die folgenden offiziellen Updates zu installieren. Was s...
Hi I just subscribed to Hotspots12 and received my username and password for the login. When I go to the Downloads page for Hotspots, I'm not sure which package to download for Joomla 1.5 native. I actually tried now to download any of the fil...
After migration some article images are coming from the old site. Mostly on articles that has multiple images. Been having this problem since v 1.0 They already gave me a fix via ticket but there's still images thats pulling from the old site. ...
Hi, I´m stuck with this message: Error loading feed data I have created the Webhook and copiedit to the mailchimps webhook path, pasted the API to the CMC conf, but there is no connection. The Webhook link seams to work fine as it doesn't give m...

Module ?

Is the hotspots module on the roadmap ?...


Hallo, legt man im Event eigene Felder an und markiert diese als Plichtfeld, wird zwar angezeigt das es sich um ein Pflichtfeld handelt, man kann jedoch auch buchen ohne das Feld auszufüllen. (Developer Release) Gruß Florian...


Hi All I know i am being a thicko but how on earth do i set the comments to show the newest post first rather than the first post etc Sorry for being a bum...
ganz schnelle Zwischenfrage: Was passiert eigentlich, wenn jemand storniert und dadurch eine Person von der Warteliste nachrückt - erfährt der/diejenige das irgendwie? :huh: Hab dazu nix gefunden. lG Claudia...
Hallo, habe mal eine Frage zwecks Benutzerrechte bei Matukio. Ich habe 2 Personen, die für Ausbildungen/Events zuständig sind. Jetzt wollte ich über die Joomla Rechteverwaltung angeben, das die beiden Benutzer sich im Backend anmelden können u...

Displaying events

In the Seminar component it is possible to give in at what moment events are not displayed anymore: start, end or closing date. Is it possible in Matukio to choose for 'Keeping displayd', so people can have a clear view which kind of events have t...

New Event

Hello, When you create a new event and select the "Additional Booking Fields for this event" Only input1 input2 ... is displayed The 2 following lines are not visible Field Tip: Should the 1 field be displayed in User Overv...
Make photo as default Backend - be able to set photo as default (detail view) Zoom level read more Backend - be able to set zoom level, Read more (detail view) Ref this thread

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Last questions

Only show 'active' locations on eventlocator-page
Hello Yves, we have an urgent question about an overwrite for the eventlocator-...
1 Replies
Posted on Monday, 08 March 2021
smart-search plugin
good day, is there a smart-search plugin for matukio or just the "normal&q...
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Posted on Saturday, 06 March 2021
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  • french pages
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    Hello, Joomla 3.9.25 Voting and emoticons do not show on frontend. https...
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    Posted on Wednesday, 03 March 2021
    Hotspotanywhere Question
    My complements on an amazing product! I am using the {hotspotsanywhere} and i...
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    Posted on Wednesday, 03 March 2021