CNotes 1.0 - make a note!

Back in July this year Yves and I, we lead our first "Joomla extension development masterclass" at Since I'm not really a fan of theory I wanted to show our students how to create a real world joomla extension. Now the thing is - do you create somethnig useless (farts app anyone???) or do you create something simple & yet usefull? During the year I've spoken to Brian Teeman several times and he had this idea for notes extension. While I was thinking - what should we do for the webinar it came to me - write that notes extension!
I can show the students how to create the backend of the extension, how to create the frontend, even write a module for the component! Show them how to create an installation package that installs the component + modules, how to handle ajax requests, how to escape data provided from the user, how to use phing, git... That is simple, usefull & I can very good demonstrate the power of the Joomla framework! This is how CNotes was born!

Unfortunatly 8h are not much. During the webinar we were able to show the good parts of the Joomla framework and we had a simple extension, but it was not something that I wanted to distribute (var_dumps everywhere, code that was only added to demonstrate something). So last week I took some time to finish that small extension.

If you want your users to be able to write private notes (visible only to them) on each and every page (or only on the one you specify) of your site, then cnotes is for you. The non-complete list of features looks like this:

  1. add/edit/delete of notes
  2. notes are added without a page refresh!
  3. administrator can view/edit/delete notes in the backend
  4. the user can view all his notes on the site on a single page & search for a specific note he wrote

You know what? Best of all - it is completly FREE! Yea, you've read that right! Go to our download section and download CNotes now! We are happy to hear your feedback! 

And just as a side note: if you know a little PHP & MySQL AND if you want to learn how to build Joomla extensions - why don't you book a place at our next webinar?

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