Hotspots 3.5 released

After the feature full 3.4 release last month, it was time to top that by releasing Hotspots 3.5 . This version should excite a lot of you who were waiting for "latest hotspots" module and the ability to disable certain categories for frontend marker submission. In addition to this we've added the long awaited AlphaUserPoints integration. If you have a community website you'll be happy to know that the name of the user who submitted a location can now be linked to his Jomsocial or Community Builder profile.

A lot of people also wanted to set the map center depending on the user's location. This is now also possible and you can see it in action on our demo page. The user centering is a complex beast. We first match the IP of the user and try to find out his position(which is not always correct) and we set the map to center there. After that if you decide to turn on HTML5 geolocation the user will be asked for his location. If he decides to share it, then we will - re-center the map to that location. You can learn more about that in our documentation.

We've added a lot of map layout configuration options -> now you can hide everything that you don't want or need such as the zoom, street map controls etc. The complete list with changes can be found in the changelog.

Last but not least - Hotspots 3.5 is now distributed in 2 versions Core & Pro. A feature comparison table between the 2 versions can be found over here: . Enjoy & please let us know what you think!