Class MatukioControllerEventlist

since 1.0.0
package MatukioEvents

Class MatukioControllerEventlist

since 3.0
package MatukioEvents


Constructor to register extra tasks


Add a new event

add() : void
since 7.0.0

Create indexes

createIndexes() : void

Duplicates an or multiple events

duplicate() : void


\Exception - If db queries fail

Executes the cronjob

executeCronjob() : void

Init Recurring events

initRecurring() : void



Get the Matukio Log (mostly on PayPal)

matukiolog() : void
since 7.0.0

Migrate Matukio settings

migrateSettings() : void

Redirects to the participants page

participants() : void

Toogles publish for the given event ids

publish() : void


\Exception - If db queries fail

Removes an or multiple events

remove() : void


\Exception - If db queries fail

Trigger the update inthe script.php again

triggerUpdate() : void



Update config

updateConfiguration() : void
since 7.0.0

Upload image

uploadImage() : void

Check that the server matches the PayPal requirements

verifyPaypal() : void
since 7.0.0