Hello - first of all: thx for this great plugin. I am trying to import a table from my wordpress-blog (it's already part of the Joomla-database and I can choose almost all the information in the import admin menu of JoomlaComments and I identified...
Well if you love joomla and mediawiki you are welcome to help! If you can not program, you can do something for the design or help with the documentation. We will find work for everyone that wish to help! Just write here. Greetings! Daniel...
I am unable to view the !joomlacomments under the Seyret and PuArcade components, it works fine on my test front page articles but am unable to see it on other pages. I have added them to the other component settings. Thanks in Advance Moixa...
I have a joomla 1.5.7 installation with joomlacomment 3.26. I cannot see the captcha image. I have the legacy plugin activated because of joomlacomment and was wondering whether I should install joomlacomment 4.0 instead or try to fix this problem in...
Hi! I have a problem, i love JoomlaComment, but when i try to write a big comment (2500 characters) JC! only shows the first line. I'd tried everything (even in the settins, letting the max size in 120.000 characters) but JC! do the same, write a ...
I am trying to add the Seyret component. But when I go to Other Component list, it is not on the drop down menu for Components. Is there something I need to do prior to going to Component list?...
Tried to install .zip and got timed out. NP, went for a manual install. Now I get error saying another component is using /administrator/com_comments, except that folder does not exist. I'd love to delete it if I could find it. What do I do?...
Joomla Comment v3.26 & Joomla 1.0.15 not work. I try with fresh install of Joomla 1.0.15 and another site with upgrade Joomla from 1.0.12. to 1.0.15. On this site was two diferent template. 1 is Rockettheme - MediaMogul and 2 is YouJoomla templa...
Our website is[url] http://ibvallejo.com[/url] We use !joomlacomment 3.23 for a monthly round of comments. I still have a problem with people trying to cut and paste messages. If you look at any particular month you'll see one word posts or an in...
I have long wanted a layman's description of how joomla 1.5 works so that a non-programer could understand the basic concepts and see how all the extensions work together. Now I am just an old guy with only two years of experience trying to understan...
I had a very old version of this component with which I had the same problem. Firefox isn't my preferred browser, but many users that come to my site have told me they get an error. I decided to test it myself and indeed, the error is there. I was...
Hi I see when I post a comment the text get always back return line and this appear in all comment independently of the number of character or line...It can be appear after fiew character or after typing more word...without any logic...I don't see...
Hi folks. Have installed and everything seemed to be okay...the 'write' boxes are showing after the correct articles and everything but when I click on them and try to add a test comment, I'm getting an error 404 (component not found) message. It'...
Hi, First, thank you for such a great extension! However, I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas why I'm not receiving notifications when new comments are posted. I have "Notify moderators" set to "yes" and have tried using seve...
Hi Experts. I have for two days tried to get Joomla Comment working, but with out any success. I really like the simplicity in the pluging, so I really hope I will succed... First I got the moving error when I tried to install it. I looked th...
I have version 3.26 with Joomla 1.0.15 with MySQL 5.0.27 and PHP 5.1.6 and every time I post a comment I get the following error message 'Character problem. empty comment'. I have turned off sh404SEF, I have turned off AJAX in !JoomlaComment, I have ...
Hello, I am from http://www.turbocash.net the open source accounting project i joomla comment works great BUT is a little skew. How do i fix it pls? http://www.turbocash.net/Newsflashes/Blogs/Hitting-a-4-Iron-into-the-Teeth-of-the-Gale.html...
There was a problem with your installation error when moving /home/psystudent/domains/http://psystudent.nl/public_html/web/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/joscomment.php TO /home/psystudent/domains/http://psystudent.nl/public_html/we...
Hello i have downloaded plugin dummy from download section,i want create a plugin for fabrik component,anyone for help me ? :P...
Hello, I followed the instructions on how to edit the template which I was succesful in changing the css as follows; #comment #CommentMenu .button a:hover { background: #ff9900; background: #ffcc66; But then it doesn't seem to re...

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Last questions

ID-column unknown at import (from wordpress)
Hello - first of all: thx for this great plugin. I am trying to import a tabl...
10 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 04 November 2008
Wish to participate?
Well if you love joomla and mediawiki you are welcome to help! If you can not pr...
15 Replies
Posted on Thursday, 10 July 2008
Seyret and PuArcade
I am unable to view the !joomlacomments under the Seyret and PuArcade components...
14 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Captcha problem.
I have a joomla 1.5.7 installation with joomlacomment 3.26. I cannot see the cap...
19 Replies
Posted on Monday, 27 October 2008
Cann't write a lot of text
Hi! I have a problem, i love JoomlaComment, but when i try to write a big com...
13 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 05 August 2008