Hello all, I have noticed that your plugin for Eventlist works only for versions prior to (and for) 0.8.11! Is there any plan to make something for the versions 0.9.x? The 'comments' part of the 'details' view of the Eventlist component is h...
Hi, till now I used JomComment, but I desided to change to your Component, because of the Ajax PageNav and the Design, which fitts better in my template... But I have some troubles with the Characters.... Now almost everything works, but only w...
Hi, I encounterd the problem while configuring joomlacomment. I entered the configuration menu and the hole page got messed up. It happened becuase of my CVS hidden folder. At administrator/components/com_comment/library.comment.php I changed ...
Hi there, I am a new user of JomComments and I first must say that I really enjoy it. However, the latest comments module has a bit of a problem: in order to display anything other than "no comments", it needs to have all articles and ...
Hi, I am using the Sport Line template by !Youjoomla. It has !joomlaComment installed by default. The text 'Write comment (0)' is displayed at the end of an article it does not show the whole text. I have used the Swedish translation file and the err...
Is it installing? Is it working? Do you want to congratulate us? Do it here ...
The thumbs up/thumbs down rating system is not showing for Joomlacomments on my site. I used the default Joomla templates with the Ajax and voting option turned on. It was there initially when I installed Joomlacoments, but now it's no where to b...
Hello, we are migrating from Joomla 1.0 to Joomla 1.5... I s there no migration tool for Joomlacomment, or is it not necessary? What do we need to do to make sure that Joomlacomment makes it through the migration with all of our comments....
Hi, First of all thanks for a great component. I did play around with the language files, so it might be that I f**d something up. Here is my problem. If a registered user makes a post when he's logged in with a captcha image I get following...
Hi, ive downloaded the joomlacomment 3.26. Now how do i install it? ive added it to my server and then i wrote in the adress bara http://www.mywebsite.com/comment/install.comment.php but all i got was "Direct Access to this location is not allow...
Hi, all, I have a problem when I subimit some comment. When I submit my comment, the JoomlaComment redirect for the URL like this: catid=222:test&Itemid=189&comment_id=14#josc14 Instead of & shoud be & but it dont...
Comments on my site (GenderVision.org) works great, except that when someone posts a longer comment, only a portion of it is displayed, with no link to read the rest of the post. And, adjusting the Preview length on the admin page doesn't affect the...
Hello everybody ! I have a question about third party components/modules : is it possible to display the number of comments with a module like MiniFrontPage ? For example, to have "Read more (4)..." instead of "Read more...&qu...
How do i fix this so the comment box start under the article? [img size=400]http://www.compojoom.com/components/com_agora/img/members/1074/Bilde_1.png[/img]...
Hello, Is it possible to show the number of comments after the newstitle? Something like: Victory for Manchester united (13) Thirteen is the number of comments. I use: Joomla 1.0 !JoomlaComment 3.26 Website: http://1stleague.nl/ ...
Hi, how can I contact you privately? thx...
[color=#0000FF][size=1]Hi. This is my first post here. I like very much !JoomlaComment that's why I stopped using JoomComment... My question is that there is any module displaying the last comments... Thank you![/size][/color]...
Hi there, this is a really basic question but I can't find in 3.2.6 !JoomlaComments how to set for the comments to display the correct time when posted. My articles display the correct time when they are posted to the site (so the site settings and ...
After I posted thai language messege in long text I get "?" symbol , pls visit url below for this case http://www.lcdsure.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57 I've try to figured this out for a fews days but it make me ...
Hi all, I installed joomlacomment on my website. I activated the plugin but when I click on Send button nothing happens! I tried with Ajax enabled and disabled. Could someone help me? thank you! Here you can see a page where comments are activate...

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Last questions

!comment & Eventlist greater than v0.8.11 dnt
Hello all, I have noticed that your plugin for Eventlist works only for versi...
2 Replies
Posted on Monday, 01 December 2008
Char Problems
Hi, till now I used JomComment, but I desided to change to your Component, be...
14 Replies
Posted on Sunday, 30 November 2008
Hidden directories
Hi, I encounterd the problem while configuring joomlacomment. I entered the ...
3 Replies
Posted on Monday, 01 December 2008
Comments Module Requires Articles be Public
Hi there, I am a new user of JomComments and I first must say that I really e...
13 Replies
Posted on Wednesday, 19 November 2008
'Write comment' text does not show properly
Hi, I am using the Sport Line template by !Youjoomla. It has !joomlaComment inst...
3 Replies
Posted on Monday, 01 December 2008