Hello Team, I will change the Line - Ich stimme den Datenschutzbestimmungen zu - into another spelling. I look into the language-file but I can´t find anything. Can you help me? :-) Thanks Melanie...
I bought ccComent pro, downloaded the file and then set about installing. Every time I do I go through steps 1,2 and 3 successfully but then when I click Finish Installation I get a Component not found error and the component is not visible anyw...
good day, is there a smart-search plugin for matukio or just the "normal" search plugin? kind regards Emanuel...
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter
My apologies for additional question but I do not find the documentation How do I get all the terms that you insert appear in French. I have downloaded and installed the french translation but do not see where and how make use of it....
Emmanuel Orban de Xivry CComment supporter
Wo kann man einstellen, dass auch Gäste (Öffentliche) alle vorhandenen Kommentare lesen können, während nur ihr Schreibrecht gesperrt ist und sie zum Schreiben eingeloggt sein müssen?...
Was muss ich wo ändern (overriden?), um bei den Kommentaren das exakte Datum (TT.MM.YYYY) zu erhalten, statt der Angabe "XX Stunden her"? Beste Grüße, Walter...
even though the setting for showing tags on the event detail page is set to true (screenshot), tags are not displayed. not in the info-box to the right and not in the main area of the event....
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter
The map-module links on the markers are even active after deactivating the setting in the module-config (see screenshot). when clicking on the map-marker the next event on this location opens. this isn't very handy. a better target would be the i...
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter
as asked in the presale questions we try to use a custom field for attaching speakers manually to events. we think of html-code we can prepare and add with jce editor-templates for example. the simple form of tutors (just a text field) and the single...
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter
when a user makes a booking for multiple attendees the order of fields in the form is very confusing(field1-user1,field1-user2, field2-user1, and so on. as you see in the screenshot fields will get duplicated one after the other. a better way would b...
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter
Hallo Daniel, gibt es Neuigkeiten, ob oder wann in Zukunft OSM mit Hotspot funktionieren wird? Ich habe immer noch das Problem, dass ich auf den "Detailseiten" die Karte raus nehmen musste, da ich sonst zu viele Views habe und bei Go...
Michi Meindl Hotspots supporter
Can't save comments. When I click on "Save", it changes to "Saving", but remains there and never saves the comment....
Hello, I get a lot of errors in the browser console: GEThttps://contentreplaced.tld/function()%7Breturn%20h%7D [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 1588ms] GEThttps://contentreplaced.tld/function%20Array()%20%7B%20%20%20%20[native%20code]%7D [HTTP/1.1 40...
Hi Daniel, I scanned my website, and it's giving me some codes as 300 percent suspicious. It is (components/com_comment/classes/nbbc/nbbc.php) in the line starting from 1591. I also downloaded a clean version of ccomment, I did a comparison wit...
Miri Marku Hotspots supporter
Hello. Most comments in K2 are cut off. It seems the height is not responding to comments added. See here https://thatvideomag.com/autos/find-out-all-you-need-to-know-about-texas-2k-tx2k...
Hi, We have been using ccomment-core for a while on our website, and decided to upgrade to pro last week. But enabling the mod_comment module breaks our frontend, is there some issues related to upgrading? "You have an error in your SQL synta...
Hello, Please would you tell how to indent the reply to a comment like your demo site? Thanks for your help Amar Guillen...
Amar Guillen CComment supporter
Hello, I just purchased CComment to integrate in my website. I am using K2. It is possible to post one comment. Then, if I try to write another one, the Send button is not clickable. You can check the issue on this page for example: Titlehtt...
Amar Guillen CComment supporter
Hi There... Where can i find the Override from:"Benutzerdefinierte Felder"? Whats the String for it? Thanks.....
Alexander Webernig Hotspots supporter
Dear Sirs recently I uninstall the hotspot and now wish to install the hotspot again (wishing the previous image ) can be found) but I cannot install the component with below error message Please help me how to solve the issue ...

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Hotspots PRO Joomla 4
Where is the download link for Hotspots PRO Joomla 4? The JED states it's ava...
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Posted on Sunday, 30 April 2023
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  • Mailinhalte nicht individuell
    Hallo ich habe zu Joomla 4 mit der neusten Matukio Version migriert, das hat ...
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    Posted on Wednesday, 03 May 2023
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  • Link bug in comment emails
    Hello. The site has three languages. For example, a user left a comment on an a...
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    Posted on Saturday, 15 April 2023
    Image scaling bug
    Hello. I have already reported this situation here https://compojoom.com/forum/p...
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    Posted on Saturday, 15 April 2023
    Teilnehmer kontaktieren
    Hallo Daniel, Habe jetzt meine Testseite auf Betrieb umgestellt. Was nicht ...
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    Posted on Monday, 17 April 2023