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objSignout = getObject(obj2Name); if (objSignout.style.display == 'none') { // show the singout objSignout.style.display = 'block'; objSignin.style.display = 'none'; } else { // show the singin objSignout.style.display = 'none'; objSignin.style.display = 'block'; } } function getObject(oID) { /* function that returns the element based on the browser capitalities - ns4 will return null if the obj doesn't exist */ if (dom) { obj = document.getElementById(oID); } else if (ie4) { obj = document.all(oID); } else if (ns4) { obj = document.layers(oID); if (!obj) return null; } return obj; } /* Track the returnKey */ function goReturn(form, form1, event) { getEvent=event.keyCode; test = false; try{ if (getEvent == "13") { try{ if(form1.q.value != 0){ test = true; } }catch(e){ if(document.searchBox.q.value != 0){ test = true; } } if(test) { document.searchBox.submit(); return false; } else if ( typeof ajaxDIVOpen == "undefined" || ajaxDIVOpen == false ){ formvalidation(form); return false; } } else if(getEvent == "27"){ getDoubleClickValue(false); }else{ return true; } }catch(e){ if(document.searchBox.q.value != 0){ document.searchBox.submit(); } } } function goReturnSelectHotel(form, event) { getEvent=event.keyCode; if (getEvent == "13") { if ( typeof ajaxDIVOpen == "undefined" || ajaxDIVOpen == false ){ form.submit(); return false; } } else if(getEvent == "27"){ getDoubleClickValue(false); }else{ return true; } } function goReturnSelectHotel(form, form1, event) { getEvent=event.keyCode; if (getEvent == "13") { if(form1.q.value != 0) { form1.submit(); return false; } else if ( typeof ajaxDIVOpen == "undefined" || ajaxDIVOpen == false ){ form.submit(); return false; } } else if(getEvent == "27"){ getDoubleClickValue(false); }else{ return true; } } function openSmartLocationPopup(theUrl, windowName, width, height) { var safety = 60; var left = window.event.screenX; var top = window.event.screenY; var temp = left + width + safety; if (temp > screen.width) left = screen.width - width - safety; temp = top + height + safety; if (temp > screen.height) top = screen.height - height - safety; 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var a_Ref2 = document.getElementById(a_RefName2); var v_text1 = ''; var v_text2 = ''; v_text1 = a_Ref1.text; v_text2 = a_Ref2.text; // This is the case of IE if( typeof v_text1 == "undefined"){ v_text1 = a_Ref1.innerText; } if( typeof v_text2 == "undefined"){ v_text2 = a_Ref2.innerText; } var v_strLen1 = v_text1.length; var v_strLen2 = v_text2.length; setOrangeButton(a_RefName1); setOrangeButton(a_RefName2); if(v_strLen1 > v_strLen2){ a_Ref2.className = a_Ref1.className; }else{ a_Ref1.className = a_Ref2.className; } }catch(e){ } } function preload(imgObj,imgSrc) { /* function to preload images */ if (document.images) { eval(imgObj+' = new Image()'); eval(imgObj+'.src = "'+imgSrc+'"'); } } function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0 window.open(theURL,winName,features); } function changeImage(imgName,imgObj,layer) { /* function to do rollovers of images */ if (document.images) { if (document.layers) { if (layer!=null){ eval('document.layers.'+layer+'.document.images["'+imgName+'"].src = '+imgObj+'.src'); 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We recommend you upgrade your browser.'); } } function toggleDisplayWithParams(thisform) { setStyle('lnavid', 'none'); setStyle('interstl', 'block'); thisform.submit(); } function formvalidation(thisform) { test=toggleDisplay(thisform); if (test==true) { thisform.submit(); } } /************************************************************************ * Trim * Trims leading and trailing spaces and tabs. ************************************************************************/ function Trim(sData) { var sTrimmed = String(sData); sTrimmed = sTrimmed.replace(/(^[ |\t]+)|([ |\t]+$)/g, ''); return sTrimmed; } function toggleForm(objName, varStatus) { /* function to show and hide the form elements made for the review and reserve and join pages */ // get the object objSection = getObject(objName); if (varStatus == 'show') { // show the section objSection.style.display = 'block'; } else { // hide the section objSection.style.display = 'none'; } } /************************************************************************ * setDisplayAllHotels * In case of amenities search, setting value in select hotel form to display * All hotels or excat matched amenities hotels. ************************************************************************/ function setDisplayAllHotels(val){ document.selectHotelForm.displayAllHotels.value=val; } /************************************************************************ * validiteCity * Call from search and select hotel page on bodyload. This function validate that * the city element is not null and then call to Ajax.js SmartLogic_SetCity function. ************************************************************************/ /* function validateCity(city , stateCode, countryCode){ if(city != null){ SmartLogic_SetCity(city , stateCode, countryCode); } } function checkTabIsPressed(e, t){ if(e.keyCode == 9){ SmartLogic_SetCity(t,document.selectHotelForm.stateCode,document.selectHotelForm.countryCode); } } */