Updates to our subscription plans

Since we have launched our new site back in December 2013 we have introduced the light, advanced & lifetime plans. Seven months later it is time for a refresh based on your feedback.

Here are the changes in detail:

Light subscription is now extended from two to three months.
You asked for it, you are getting it! All users with active Light subscriptions (on 29.07.2014) will find out that their subscriptions have been updated and the expire date has been moved one month ahead in the future! Congratulations to lucky ones! The new standard subscription time for the light plan is three months now.

The lifetime plan is no longer available
Congratulations to the users who bought this one! Your subscriptions will be active for a lifetime :)

We are now adding an ultimate plan that gives you THREE years access to our extensions & support!
The ultimate plan is perfect fit for those of you who depend on our extensions for their businesses & want to save money. The plan is generally priced around 20 % lower than three individual one year subscriptions. If for example you decide to upgrade from your light or advanced subscription to ultimate you'll get additional 20% off the price! Which in terms means that you pay for two, but actually get three years of downloads and support! A pretty sweet deal if you ask me!

Changing plans is really easy now!
Few of you have asked us if we give any coupons when you go from the light to advanced plan. We've finally setup our system to allow that. You will get an automatic 20% discount when you switch from light to the advanced or ultimate plan (same applies for upgrades from advanced to ultimate).

Not new, but worth mentioning!
This option has been around since the first day we launched and a lot of you know it & have used it, but I think that I should mention it again. If you renew your advanced or ultimate subscriptions up to 15 days before it expires you'll get 30% off the regular price. If you own a light subscription and you renew it up to 15 days before it expires, then you'll get 15% off. If for some reason you miss this opportunity renewing during the last 15 days of your subscription will get you 15% off the advanced or ultimate subscription and 10% off the light subscription.

For an overview of all available subscriptions check our pricing page. Happy subscribing or re-subscribing!