After the initial setup problems we finally made it to transifex! All our extensions translations are now hosted there and all our current translators are advised to use the transifex platform to make the translations from now on.
For those of you who don't understand why the title of the blog is "Translate our components with opentranslators" and now suddenly in the first paragraph of it I start to talk again about transifex here is the short explanation
Transifex is an open-source localization platform. Opentranslators is a group of Joomla enthusiasts that use the transifex platform to translate Joomla extensions and we've granted them access to manage the translations for us. (you'll need to join them to translate our components)
All our translators get complimentary access to the extension they are translating and for as long as they maintain the translation. We take up to 2 translators per language!
All translators are entitled to access to our affiliate program(if they want to) and can earn a nice commission of 30%!
If you have any questions or recommendations use the comment form below.